Sunday, July 22, 2007

Strasbourg, France

Bonjour! I have a little time to blog today. First, I'd like to write more about Köln (aka Cologne), Germany. Thank goodness I took that German class! We would have been totally screwed if we had not taken that class. The whole day we didn't meet anyone who spoke English and luckily I remembered enough German to ask for directions and understand the replies. I thought the concierge was joking when he said (in German) that he didn't understand English. He wasn't joking. We had some problems with the booking of the hotel, but you should ask me about that in person. I spoke German to everyone and everyone spoke back to me in German and I felt very happy about it. Everyone was super nice and I felt like I pulled it off. I also like the German styles much better than Holland. In Holland, everyone dresses similarly. In Köln, there was much more diversity. Köln is also home to Germany's largest Cathedral which was super awesome amazing. Like totally.

OK, maybe I'm also a little biased about Köln because I finally got some heavenly chocolate there. Anyone remember the seven years I didn't eat chocolate? I'm so glad those days are over. I went to the Chocolate Museum (endorsed by Lindt) and I was happy camper to say the least.

So now I'm in France and we don't speak French and no one hear will admit to speaking English. Some parts of this adventure are a little disastrous, but I think these little disasters will stop once Bill leaves Europe!

So now the plan is that Bill, Dennis, Chris, and I go to Freiburg, Germany to hike around in the Black Forest. Bill wants to spend 2 days in Bern, Switzerland so I think Dennis, Chris and I will split with him for a day and spend another day in the forest before meeting back up with Bildo, continuing through Switzerland on to Paris for the end of the Tour de France. Sweet! Also, I can't wait to visit Dierk and Stephan in Dresden. I'll be there in the beginning of August. I have no idea when I'll be able to update again, but I probably won't post photos until well after my trip and I have a chance to edit them. :)



Bryan said...

You're my hero Bryn! Yeah, the French are definitely proud of their language. I wanna hear about all the language stories when you get back. I'm really happy you're hiking the Black Forrest, I have always wanted to go there! Have a great time, ttyl!

Bryn said...

BRYAN! YAY! Thanks for reading! I have good stories for you!