Friday, September 19, 2008


My friend told me something wonderful last Sunday. Even though we are people and we screw up, God still uses us. He uses us even when we fall and make mistakes. Not only did my friend tell me this, but God made it very known to me today. So yes, I'm human and I screw up, but I can still be used for God's purposes and make the world a better place. Even when I'm ridiculously stupid. Even when I'm physically, mentally, and spiritually ill. So that's good because only one human has ever been perfect and try as I might, I'll never live up to that.

So we're not even to the Discipleship Training portion of this school - all we've been doing is photography. Photography is awesome so far. I developed my first roll of film in probably 10 years and next week we start out on the enlargers. This weekend I'm getting together 2 presentations. 1 on the photographer Eadweard Muybridge, and the other on the History of CCD and CMOS. Too bad I left my physics notes at home. Oh wait, no, I'm glad I left them at home. Speaking of home, Mom - get your passport.


Anonymous said...

wow - gut stuff... Gott ist grosB. Love from Tante und die familie. PS I'm keeping after your mom to get her passport und plane tickets ASAP.

Bryn said...

THANKS! Love you! It was so nice talking to you on the phone. :)