Thursday, September 4, 2008


Hello, Hallo! I have about a year worth of updates to do. Here's the quickie:

Right now I'm about to start a wonderful adventure in Germany. After a marvelous three week vacation here that ended one month ago, I applied for and was accepted to YWAM's Photography Discipleship Training School which I start tomorrow.

What have I been doing since last year? I hopped on board the Tall Ship Lynx in January 2008. It's a very pretty boat. I jumped off of Lynx in Oakland, CA on May 26th, two days after we won the Master Mariner's Race in San Fransisco Bay and jumped right onto Dauntless, another beautiful schooner. I sailed with Dauntless back down to San Diego. I figured if I left San Diego on a schooner, I should also return by one. What I've taken away from this sailing experience is that I love boats and sailing, and I loved the huge muscles I grew from being a deckhand with all of the climbing, furling, hauling, scraping, slushing, tarring, rust-busting, sanding, painting, coiling, cleaning, and other various tasks that fill our twelve hour days with grueling labor. I do not miss the tar and brasso under my nails nor do I miss the callusses like I thought I would. I am proud to have feminine hands again and I'm happy I'm not looked down on for showering. Some sailors can be very dirty, grumpy people... The Dauntless crew was neither dirty nor grumpy and I am so happy I had the opportunity to sail with such a fine crew. I may write more on this later since it was a very interesting six months of my life and I should probably write a little more on my last vacation. But for right now, I'm going to visit more with the most beautiful newly-weds Dierk und Nadia.

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